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We could not have done it without you. Thanks to your support we are able to continue our genetic preservation of the 6 heritage breeds (Light Sussex, Brown Leghorn, White Leghorn, Barred Plymouth Rock, Rhode Island Red, New Hampshire).

Thank you for supporting the Heritage Egg Program Round III

Thank you to everyone who participated in this years’ Adopt a Heritage Chicken Program.

We could not have done it without you. Thanks to your support we are able to continue our genetic preservation of the 6 heritage breeds (Light Sussex, Brown Leghorn, White Leghorn, Barred Plymouth Rock, Rhode Island Red, New Hampshire).

This program held many highlights, here are but a few:

  • Receiving a new egg grading machine-Extended partnership with Peavey Mart chick sales
  • Two very successful how to raise chicken workshops
  • Winning the Community Connections Award
  • Welcoming our newest animal technician Rachelle Davidson
  • Receiving the License to Operate a Meat Facility Abattoir

Our girls have provided so much over the past year: fond memories, fresh eggs, and delicious meat. Thank you for supporting this years’ initiatives including peavey mart chick sale, two poultry workshops, and our sale of heritage chicken meat.

What Next?

I’ve spent some time with the next generation of girls. So far, the Light Sussex has become my favourite breed – but don’t allow that to solidify your decision on who to adopt next!